What’s a Capsule Wardrobe and How You Can Create One

Have you ever experienced looking at your closet and faced with so many options, yet you feel like you have nothing to wear? You can avoid such a fashion dilemma by building something called a capsule wardrobe.

A capsule wardrobe is a minimal selection of clothes that you can mix and match depending on your needs. With this minimalist approach, it will be easier for you to choose what to wear for work or any special occasions.

Having a capsule wardrobe will help you simplify your outfit choices, allowing you to put your mind on other more important matters. Does it sound like a good idea for you? If you wish to create a minimalist clothing selection, here are some pointers to help you:

Clear Out Your Closet

If you want to create a capsule wardrobe, you are free to include any items that you like. There are no strict rules to follow. But first, you have to clear out your closet. Take out the pieces of clothing that you rarely wear. Then dispose of or donate them to charity.

Ideally, the number of items in a capsule wardrobe ranges between 25 and 50, although it can vary for every person. Some people go by the three-of-each rule: three pairs of jeans, shirts, and skirts. The important thing is to make sure you have sets of clothing items that fit you perfectly and can be worn and combined in various ways.

Find the Right Mix

As much as possible, avoid buying new clothes. Work with whatever is left in your closet, making sure you have the right combinations of tops, bottoms, and layers. It will involve several trial and error, but you can find the right mix by choosing items depending on your work and lifestyle.

Go Beyond What’s in Fashion

Since you will be wearing practically the same set of clothes for a long time, it’s best to choose items that transcend fashion trends. So consider including clothing pieces that have neutral colors. Apart from the fact that they never go out of style, they can easily be paired with other items.


Choose Your Accessories Wisely

Wearing the right accessories will give your minimalist outfit a boost. Be sure that your jewelry, belt, bag, or shoes go well with different combinations of your clothing selection. Take the time to the perfect items for your wardrobe at some of the popular souvenir shops in Phoenix.

Invest in High-quality Clothes

Streamlining your wardrobe to only the items you frequently wear will save you time and space in your closet. If you want to sustain this lifestyle, be sure to invest in superior quality clothing items. Substandard outfits will only end up looking worse for wear since you will wash and put them on too often.

Ultimately, owning a capsule wardrobe requires discipline. It also helps you develop a lifestyle of improved awareness, particularly on the matter of buying and owning less. With less shopping comes less consumption and less waste. So start focusing on what you need instead of what you want.

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