How to Celebrate a Special Occasion from a Distance

With the world hitting an almost standstill and everyone is urged to enact social distancing, it may seem difficult to think about how to celebrate special days that are hit by the lockdown. Whether you are celebrating a birthday or an anniversary, this is the time to think out of the box. Tap into other solutions to make the day great from afar.

  • Sending a present

As essential services continue to operate during this time, there’s no stopping you from getting a small spread ready and sending it over to your celebrant for their enjoyment. You can even find specialty shops online that still deliver more celebratory items like cakes and champagne.

Sending champagne gifts with a special note attached can add that hint of specialness that can brighten the day up. You can achieve this despite the circumstances that may otherwise make the situation feel gloomier than any other time.

Behavioral science professors at South University have noted that gift giving provides a stark psychological lift for both the giver and receiver, which can be a much-needed emotional and mental lifeline during these trying times. Giving something easy to transport helps you to stay safe, practical, and mindful while still providing a happy token to hold on to that marks the occasion.

outdoor party celebration

  • Setting up a digital party

Loneliness and isolation can be a devastating thing that is expected to see a significant uptick during this time of quarantine and distancing. Thankfully, technology has made it possible to set up streams and group video calls through various devices and platforms.

Set up time just like you would for a regular party out, and when everyone is online, you can still have that connection and celebrate together despite being in different places.

According to the Scientific American, poor social health is also growing lately and can be even more apparent during occasions where it’s expected to have a group come together. That’s why these occasions are some of the most crucial times to bring out that tablet or phone and set up a call to hang out and create that sense of togetherness and happiness.

  • Donate

It’s up to you what causes you are passionate about. You can also contribute to efforts that are currently aimed toward supporting the fight against coronavirus. But being able to give back in the name of your special day can help others and make the occasional feel more meaningful amidst a crisis.

Since a lot of the preparations that might have gone to celebrating this day may be put to the wayside now, you can choose to allot those resources into a donation that can make your celebration felt throughout other communities. From there, you can look forward to better times and more merriment that you can spend together when times are less burdensome.

Keep these things in mind when you have a special day to celebrate. By doing any of them, you don’t have to completely give up on enjoying a particular occasion that means a lot to you or someone you care about.

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