Using Your Power as an Individual to Help Others During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic makes most of us panic, but those who are affected struggle on different levels. While many can afford to stay at home and binge on their favorite Netflix series, others are more vulnerable to the situation. If you belong to the former group and are looking for ways to lend your resources to those in need, here are five ways to start:

1. Take Care of Yourself

By following the safety guidelines mandated by your local government, you are doing not only yourself and your family a favor. You are limiting the spread of the virus, which gives your neighborhood, your country, and the entire world a fighting chance against this pandemic. So if you want to make a difference, start with yourself. Stay home, practice social distancing, and stay healthy. If you’re feeling unwell, here’s a guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help.

2. Look After the Most Vulnerable

You don’t have to make grand actions to make a big difference. Do you have a senior neighbor who you think might need help in buying their medications or groceries? Make sure to check in on them by calling or visiting them—just make sure to keep your distance for the safety of both parties.

3. Volunteer in Your Community

Lending your time and expertise during trying times can make the difference between a city that comes out stronger on the other side and one that falls to the ground. Still keeping your safety in mind, find opportunities to volunteer at least in your local community. Reach out to charities or non-profit organizations for ways to help.

Volunteering during a pandemic doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out there and expose yourself to large crowds. You can help by simply sourcing medical face masks for the health workers or finding PPE online stores that can provide enough equipment for a particular group.

Mask4. Donate to a Cause

Are you an advocate for animal welfare? If so, you can make monetary donations to help shelters provide food for stray animals in your area. For those who have a heart for the homeless, choose organizations, food pantries, or charitable groups to coordinate with. Remember to connect only with legitimate organizations to ensure your money will go where it’s needed the most.

If you have additional resources to share, look beyond your favorite causes and consider the new needs that the pandemic is creating. You may know food workers, freelancers, and other employees who have been laid off due to the ongoing crisis. Check in on them and offer what you can.

5. Finally, Use Your Voice

We live in an age where social media can be used to influence a large group of people in an instant. Whether it’s about stopping the spread of fake news or sharing helpful information about how people can make a difference during the pandemic, positively use your voice. Little gestures like this go a long way in ensuring that the public stays adequately informed and empowered.

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