How to Help a Loved One Struggling with Addiction

When your loved one struggles with drug or alcohol abuse, it can also cause suffering for you and the rest of their family. As soon as you notice any sign of substance abuse problems, it’s best to get your loved one the help they need. Your job is to know how to support them through this difficult time. It’s never easy to do so, but with your continued encouragement and understanding, it will be much easier for them to overcome their addiction. Here are some other things you can do to help your loved one out:

Seek professional support

You might not have the resources and knowledge to properly address your loved ones’ problems with addiction. It’s best to seek the advice and help of professionals who can help you when it comes to learning how to cope with this situation as well as providing resources to help the addict. There are several addiction recovery centers in Centerville that offer group support so that family members can receive the support, healing, and tools they need.

Accept that they have a problem

You might feel a sense of denial when it comes to accepting that your loved one is struggling with addiction. You might even be tempted to ignore any signs that point to their addiction and to make excuses for them. This prolongs and even exacerbates the problem. It’s important to accept the situation and get help as early as possible before the disease gets worse.

Maintain a trustworthy relationship

It’s important to establish trust in both ways when trying to help the addicted person. This is especially important on your part. This means that you should avoid nagging and criticizing them and engaging in the same behaviors as them, even in moderation. Set a good example for your loved one and understand their point of view, but strike a balance between being considerate and being firm. Let them know about the consequences of their actions, but don’t lecture them about it. It’s normal for your loved one to think that you’re controlling them, so it’s important that you set boundaries but don’t be controlling and try your best to provide a calming environment for them.

Don’t enable bad behavior

You might have been supporting a person’s addiction without even realizing it. As much as possible, don’t try to rescue the addict all at once. You should allow them to understand and experience the consequences of their disease (unless, of course, it puts them in danger). Keep them away from things that enable them to continue their behavior, such as financially supporting the addict and their addiction.

Be realistic

It’s incredibly difficult for your loved one to understand or hear what you’re saying when you lecture them. You also can’t expect addicts to keep their promises all the time. Be realistic about your expectations by holding them accountable for their actions while offering to help them get the treatment they need.

Don’t give up

person supporting her loved one

It can be difficult and frustrating dealing with a loved one who either relapses or refuses to seek help, but it’s important that you don’t give up on them. When you give up on your loved one, it’s possible that they’ll give up on themselves too. Providing them with a strong support system is absolutely necessary at this point in time.

Although it’s important to support your loved one as much as possible, don’t forget to take time off to take care of yourself, as well. Helping yourself will help them too.

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