Get Your Much Deserved Glow Up During This Quarantine

Has the pandemic got you feeling down? Do you feel like you’ve wasted months doing nothing? Time to turn around with a little self-care. Although the situation is saddening, there’s one good thing about it, and that’s the chance to do something for yourself for once. You can do little habits and changes in your life while at home. After everything, you can come out of it as a better person. Consider this the time to start your own glow up project. Here are some ideas you can follow to get the  glow up you always wanted.

Put more time in skincare

One reason why a lot of people don’t commit to skincare is that they feel that it takes up too much time. Well, now you have a lot more time to do it because you won’t be commuting as much or going out. It might seem counterproductive to do skincare when you’re not really leaving the house. However, starting now means that once the pandemic has ended, your face would have been cleared out and glowing!

If you haven’t already, read about the Korean skincare steps. You don’t necessarily have to do all ten steps, but it gives you a good insight on how to get started. A lot of people think that they just need to wash their face, but there’s a lot more that you can do that will help get rid of your acne. Naturally, it would vary depending on your skin type. Look into what best fits you because over-moisturizing or drying your skin out too much both causes breakouts.

Another thing that you shouldn’t forget is moisturizer and sunscreen. Even when you’re inside, the sun’s UV rays can still get to you, so your skin needs to be protected. Aside from that, some of them have hydrating properties that control the amount of oil your skin produces.

Change your aesthetic


Want to try something different for your look but worried about what people may think? The lockdown gives you the time to try it out. You don’t have to worry about what other people think because you’ll be at home most of the time. If you find that the new look isn’t working for you, then you can always try something else.

A few good ideas could be changing your hairstyle or color, trying new makeup styles, or even wearing different accessories. If you don’t want to deviate too far from your usual, you can just try replacing the accessories you use now. Getting new glasses frames or gold-plated braces is also a fun idea that you can consider. You may be required to wear them but at least you can make them look a little different and more flattering.

Learn yoga

Increase your flexibility and improve your physical health by learning yoga. What’s great about this activity is that you can do it even if you’re not usually an active person. It can be done at home, and all you need is a yoga mat and some space. This has a lot of health benefits including, but not limited, to lower sugar levels, better cardio, and improve skeletal strength. You may also find that helps with a lot of muscle and back pains.

This is a great way to add to your glow up journey because it can actually improve your posture and confidence as well. Knowing that you did something new and actually progressed in it can really boost your self-esteem. Physical glow ups are great, but it’s nothing compared to a renewed confidence. You can see it in the way you walk that something is just different but in a good way.

Experiment with your clothes

If you want to try something new, then you try changing up your wardrobe. Some people are worried that they’d get weird stares when they go against their usual style. When at home, nobody would judge you for doing something different. A lot of us have a certain set of clothes that we usually wear, but now you can try matching them with other items. You can check them out in the mirror and see if it looks good on you.

One cool thing you can try is dressing for your body type. Sweatshirts and jeans are comfortable and all, but you can also try out clothes that are designed for certain purposes. Some clothes are better for those with curves and others can make you appear taller. You can read all about it online and through different forums like Reddit. This may help you discover a whole new style that you never realized that you wanted.

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