Thoughtful Gifts That Will Come in Handy for Mom and Baby

Unfortunately, most gifts received from friends and family end up stashed in drawers and never to be used. Therefore, when purchasing a gift for someone, it is important to ensure that it will help the intended user. If you have minimal experience in this field, here are suitable newborn baby gifts you may consider for your friends and family.

Baby Photo Album

New parents are excited about every little part of their newborn’s body. From the little feet and folded hands to the adorable little eyebrows. The album will help new parents record all milestones in the first year of their child’s life.  They can input details such as date of birth, time of birth, birth weight, and head circumference. They can also paste baby pictures of different ages and footprints at birth and after every few months.

Bed Linen

These make for a great gift since even a dozen of them can never be enough. Baby bedding comes in a variety of sets with attractive designs. Since babies are messy, select bed linen that is easy to wash and quick to dry. Choose the best sleeping bags and fads with beautiful motifs. Most importantly, ensure they keep the baby snug all the time.

Baby Room Décor

baby room

The baby nursery is an essential part of parenting, as this is where the baby will spend most of their time. It takes time to design, put up usable items and proof them for safe use. Gifting items for baby room decoration is fun and easy. Choose from the wide selection of wall hangings, height charts, wall stickers, picture frames, drapes, carpets, rugs, stuffed animals, toys, among other things.

Skin Care Products

Baby skin is highly sensitive, thus requires good products free of toxins. You can choose a skincare combo from a trusted brand or a brand that the parents may prefer. This combo should include shampoo, baby soap, baby wipes, diaper rash cream, massage oil, and body lotion. Ensure to pay attention to the recommended age bracket before purchasing.

Teaching Kits

You will be lost for options with items that help your baby learn. Most of these kits are multipurpose, and they contain teaching aids for colors, numbers, body parts, first words, among others. Others may contain soft playing blocks, finger puppets, DVD sets, among other cognitive growth-promoting contents. Choose ones with bright colors as children tend to be more inclined to bold colors.

Baby Proofing Kit

While it might not seem like it, the snugly little guy will soon be on the move and become unstoppable. Kids are naturally curious; thus, they love to explore. Unfortunately, they are not always aware of what poses a danger to their health and life. Therefore, getting a gift comprising of drawer locks, outlet covers, corner guards, safety gates, window protectors, doorknob covers, and furniture anchors will go a long way in maximizing the child’s safety and keeping the parents at peace.

Baby Furniture

Unlike yesteryears, more furniture pieces are developed today, all with the safety and comfort of the child in mind. You have unlimited options when it comes to baby furniture. You can choose from cradles, bassinet, cribs, playpen, high chair, toy chest, and changing table, among others. Since baby furniture is a considerable purchase, always talk to the parents to ensure you purchase what they do not already have. The goal is to gift something that will be of use to the parents.

Feeding Essentials

baby's eating time

Breast milk and formula is the most consumed food in the child’s first year of life. As such, new parents will need plenty of bottles and nipples for the baby. Additionally, items such as unbreakable plates, easy-to-use spoons and forks, and easy-to-clean bibs will all come in handy during the weaning period. You can create a hamper consisting of various feeding essentials suitable for different ages for the first few years of life. Ensure to purchase items made from safe materials and are free from BPA.

When gifting, avoid buying something for the sake of it. Instead, choose a gift that has practical usage for the parents and the child, has a sentimental value, and is unique. This will not only be useful, but it will forever remain in the hearts and minds of the receiver.

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