Casual, Relaxed, and Unforgettable Bridal Shower Ideas

A bridal shower is one of the best and most memorable parts of pre-wedding anticipation. Most of the time, the bride gets surprised by her female entourage, but if you’re the type who would rather organize her own bridal shower in spite of the load of duties on your back, this guide is for you. These tips will also be useful for you if you’re the maid of honor in charge of arranging a surprise bridal shower.

But before we get on to the awesome ideas, make sure to plan ahead on the type of celebration you want to hold. Some bridal showers include all the female family members and guests, meaning the bride’s mom, aunts, godparents, and grandmas. There are also some more modern styles, in which only the bride’s closest friends, a.k.a the bridesmaids and the maid of honor are invited.

Before you pick a theme from the list below, make sure it’ll be fun for all the attendees. A naughty-themed party may get frowns from the older guests, and that would be just plain awkward, especially for the bride. Plus, don’t you think naughty bridal showers are getting a bit overrated?

1. Champagne Party

A champagne night will be perfect for the bride who just wants to chill out after a long day. If you’re the maid of honor organizing the bridal shower, you can do it at the bride’s place, and surprise her with an exquisite champagne gift set that you can all enjoy. On the other hand, if you’re the bride, you can invite all your closest gal pals over at your home, and have a toast to celebrate the last few days of your unmarried life. You can also give away champagne gift sets to them as a bridal shower favor.

couple kissing

2. Go on a Shopping Spree

The shopaholic bride will undoubtedly rejoice in a shopping spree bridal shower. If you have a favorite, go-to fashion boutique, find out if they accept private bookings, so you can treat all your lovely female guests while having the shop all for yourselves.  A glass of champagne is also a perfect shopping companion, just be careful not to spill it on the shop’s items!

3. Tea Party

If you sadly cannot tolerate liquor, a tea party will be an awesome alternative. It’s also a good twist to the typical nighttime bridal showers. Gather your guests on a fine afternoon, and have everyone blend their own brews. Make sure to have a variety of tea leaves, including unique ones like star anise and rose petals. Have ice available, too, for anyone who may prefer their tea cold.

4. Go to a Cooking Class

You can bond with your closest gal pals or with your family by learning some unique recipes together. Your mom, aunt, or grandma may also have a specialty dish to die for, which you may want to learn together with your friends. Cooking classes will come in handy if you want to impress your groom with delectable meals for the rest of his life.

5. Host a Formal Party

A formal party might be the last thing in your mind if you’re thinking of a simple bridal shower, but formal parties don’t always have to be extravagant. You can make it intimate by just having your BFFs around. It can make you feel like you’re just playing dress-up. Find a venue with a great backdrop for all the glamorous pictures you’ll take. If you’re on a budget, you can just have it in your home and decorate the place to fit the party’s theme.

These five bridal shower ideas are all versatile and easy to organize and are suitable for adults of all ages. Remember that a bride needs to be calm and relaxed before her big day, so that makes more laid-back parties more sensible than wild rave ones.

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