How to Make Life More Comfortable in 10 Ways

Life can suck your energy sometimes. You have to work to put food on the table, pay rent, save for the future, reduce your debts, etc. Here’s the question: who ever said that you have to suffer every day?

There are a lot of things you can do to make life easier, more comfortable. Here are some of them:

Declutter: KonMari style

A cluttered environment, whether in the office or your home, invites procrastination instead of productivity. The best way of tidying up your home is to take a minimalistic approach, a la Marie Kondo. Discard items you don’t need, tidy up by category, and fill your home with items that “spark joy”.

Remember to unwind

When work has been difficult on you, and you find yourself dazed and confused after you clock out, loosen up. Relax. Don’t look at your emails. Grab something to drink or eat. Watch your favorite show and enjoy. You deserve it.

Socialize with friends and family

The thing about life is that you’re never in it alone. Make time for your friends and loved ones as much as possible. Eat and socialize at that new restaurant in town. Or cook dinner for everyone. It can be comforting to have your friends and family by your side sometimes.


In this rapidly changing world, social media is becoming a constant. Try to disconnect every once in a while, especially if you’re unwinding or you’re out with your friends. You don’t have to document everything for Instagram. Experience life as it happens.

Learn useful life skills

You might be the smartest person in the room, but do you know how to unclog a drain? Or apply first aid? Learning important and valuable life skills lets you either survive emergencies or help a friend out. With a slew of how-to YouTube videos, you can learn how to do basic repairs, cook delicious meals, or learn another language.

Invest in furniture

Man buying furnitureDon’t buy just any kind of furniture because its cheap. Invest in the things you buy for your home. Get an ergonomic chair that corrects postures or a queen-size bed that’s also therapeutic. Buy desks with a lot of legroom. Buy furniture that brings comfort into your life.

Value alone time

Always remember to give time to yourself as well. There’s power in doing things alone. You don’t miss out on experiences just because no one has volunteered to go with you. Time is under your terms; go out or go home when you want to.

Learn to say no

When someone asks you something that’s out of your comfort zone, say no. You don’t want to be someone’s godparent? Say no. If you don’t want something, speak up, say no. Learn how to refuse and say no.

Keep your fridge stocked

Nothing says ordering through Postmates or DoorDash like having nothing to eat at home. Always keep your fridge stocked with food and ingredients. It’s especially helpful if you have an unexpected visitor or you want to whip up a midnight snack.

Enjoy the little things

It’s that kiss that wakes you up in the morning. Or that moment work somehow becomes bearable. It can also be reading “Have a good day” on your to-go coffee cup. Enjoy the little things while you can.

Life doesn’t need to be difficult all the time. Get cozy. It’s how you live life easier, better, and more comfortably.

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